Membership Application

Mail membership application check to:

P.O. Box 28893
Baltimore, MD 21240

Note:  The membership form below is only for online submission.  It is not meant to be printed out and submitted.  Please print out and complete this membership form, and send along with your application check.

    Your Name (required)

    Mailing Address (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number (required)

    Your Fax Number

    Company Name (Note: Membership is by company, not individual)

    Indicate whether Corporation, Proprietorship or Partnership. If Corporation, indicate when incorporated. (required)

    Select Your Type Of Membership

    Regular ($150)Affiliate ($200)

    List your Customs Broker License Number (if applicable)

    List your Freight Forwarder, OTI Number (if applicable)

    If applying for affiliate membership, list your business service

    Year Company Started

    If your firm is only located in Baltimore, leave this field blank. If located in other cities other than Baltimore, indicate those locations:

    Sponsorship by: (Name of Member Company):

    Sponsor's Phone Number

    Your name, as representative of the applicant:

    Do you wish to receive an email copy of the By-Laws


    Copy the text from the box above into the box below